Innovation is the source of economic prosperity and global progress, simplifying routines and enriching quality of life. The internet has fundamentally altered how the world works, communicates and thinks. The global information revolution has ushered in a new era of global conversations, cooperation and crowd-sourcing among researchers, speeding the spread of new ideas and technologies in every discipline. Researchers race to develop energy alternatives, synthetic biology, transportation improvements, environmental protections or cures for disease. Governments must keep up pace with funding of education and infrastructure as well as regulations on patents, immigration, intellectual property protections and more.

Inside New Horizons: What It's Like to Conduct a 9-Year Mission for a 3-Minute Flyby

Amazing images and data travel 4.8 billion kilometers, from Pluto to Earth
Joseph Stromberg
July 17, 2015

Climate Change Brings Ill Winds for Airline Industry

Winds speed eastbound flights and slow westbound ones
Tim Radford
July 15, 2015

Why Smart Africa Is Smart Policy

Information communication technology could transform Africa
Stuart N. Brotman
July 9, 2015

Higher Education: Apocalypse Now?

Competitive MOOCs revolutionize education
July 3, 2015

The Agency

Paid internet trolls target journalists and communities with highly coordinated fake disaster reports
Adrian Chen
June 5, 2015