A readily measurable aspect of globalization is the increasing exchange of capital, products and services across national boundaries, spurred by expanded use of container shipping and other technological improvements as well as falling barrier. The interdependence is most apparent with global supply chains, as manufactured goods like vehicles and electronics are assembled with components produced around the world, and it’s increasingly rare for any country to be the sole source of any one complex product. Countries aim to increase exports but worry about too many imports and trade imbalances, even as their consumers pursue low prices. Disagreements on subsidies, tariffs, quotas or unfair practices are debated by the World Trade Organization.

Germany Profits from International Division of Labor

Despite competition, Germany's exports have increased
Patrick Welter
April 29, 2005

European Sugar Policy Works to Undermine Trade With Asia

European sugar policy is working to undermine trade with Asia
April 19, 2004

Stalking Genetically Modified Corn

Concerns surrounding genetically modified corn feed have added more tension to EU-US trade relations
Wolfgang Reuter
April 22, 2005

Dollar's Fall Silences Africa's Garment Factories

Africa's rise out of poverty is threatened by its trade relationship with the United States
Michael Wines
March 14, 2005

The Global Footprint of an Indian Outsourcing Giant

Indian consulting firm is gunning for its share of the world outsourcing marketplace
Joe Bolger
March 21, 2005