A readily measurable aspect of globalization is the increasing exchange of capital, products and services across national boundaries, spurred by expanded use of container shipping and other technological improvements as well as falling barrier. The interdependence is most apparent with global supply chains, as manufactured goods like vehicles and electronics are assembled with components produced around the world, and it’s increasingly rare for any country to be the sole source of any one complex product. Countries aim to increase exports but worry about too many imports and trade imbalances, even as their consumers pursue low prices. Disagreements on subsidies, tariffs, quotas or unfair practices are debated by the World Trade Organization.

Free Trade Under Threat

US voters are anxious about trade, inequality, unemployment – and demand change
Nayan Chanda
February 29, 2016

Global Trade Conflict Looms Over China's Market Status

WTO in bind – China expects Market Economy Status in the midst of heated US presidential campaign
Guy de Jonquieres
January 29, 2016

Al Jazeera America Will Shut Down Its Cable TV Network in April

Low oil prices and competitive US television market did not help
Stephen Battaglio
January 14, 2016

Faulty Mission?

21st century workplaces are automated and require skilled labor
Nayan Chanda
January 12, 2016

The New Geo-Economics

Climate agreement approved in Paris may be better for global growth than the limited Trans-Pacific Partnership
Joseph E. Stiglitz
January 11, 2016