BBC: UK Ready for No-Deal Brexit?
The United Kingdom, as an EU member, shares four decades of laws on trade, immigration, finance, health and safety, and more. If the EU and the UK part ways with no deal or extension for the negotiations and if the UK does not prepare replacement laws, that could pose uncertainty and serious disruption in most policy areas, reports Chris Morris for the BBC news. The report outlines progress on legislation on trade, agriculture, fisheries, immigration, financial services and more moving through a polarized Parliament. New processes, systems and staff are required for numerous programs and the government has not yet advised businesses on tariff amounts for goods coming from outside the country. Britain, evenly divided between Leave and Remain camps, can anticipate plenty of blame and hostilities in the event of bureaucratic confusion, possibly even relocations and bankruptcies. – YaleGlobal
BBC: UK Ready for No-Deal Brexit?
The UK government isn't ready for the prospect of leaving the EU with no deal before March 29, suggests Institute for Government report
Friday, February 1, 2019
Read the article from BBC News about the challenges of a no-deal Brexit.
Chris Morris is BBC’s reality check correspondent.
Read the report “Brexit: Two Months to Go” from the Institute for Government: “…the Government’s approach to no deal preparations – being unwilling to talk publicly about plans and developing an adversarial relationship with Parliament – has caused further problems. It is not just the Government that needs to be ready – business and citizens need to know how the changes will affect them and what they need to do: the Government only started its communication effort late in 2018.”
BBC News
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