Caixin: Casualties in China-US Trade War
As the US-China trade war continues, small nations expected to take sides will suffer economic losses. Countries, struggling to avoid coercion, must assess their relationships and values. Some like New Zealand will turn to other excuses, suggests David Mahon in an opinion essay for Caixin, but the trade war is the impetus. He points out that for New Zealand and more than 40 other nations, China is their biggest trade partner. New Zealand was first to nominate China for WTO entry and was quick to join the China-led Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank. “Each time New Zealand made these choices, it resisted considerable pressure from the United States, Britain and Australia, where many wish to contain China,” he writes. “New Zealand risks diminishing the respect and trust it has built with China if it participates in its traditional allies’ containment efforts.” The US under the Trump administration focuses on trade rather than values, standards or norms – and this reveals insecurity, according to Mahon. He urges China to take steps on intellectual property protections and open markets: “China should make its own markets an example of the positive globalization it now champions while being heedful of international forums such as the World Trade Organization.” – YaleGlobal
Caixin: Casualties in China-US Trade War
Small economies are caught between giants, and the China-US trade war will influence relations, uncomfortably impacting decisions on any global issue
Monday, December 31, 2018
Read the article from Caixin about small economies caught up in the US-China trade war.
David Mahon is the executive chairman of Beijing-based asset management and corporate advisory firm Mahon China Investment Management Ltd.
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