Coronavirus and Job Losses in China: SCMP
Coronavirus and Job Losses in China: SCMP
Read the article from South China Morning Post about how the coronavirus influences China’s job market.
Sidney Leng joined the Post in 2015 after spending a year and a half working for US media, including National Public Radio and Foreign Policy Magazine. He has been covering China’s macroeconomic policies and financial regulations since 2016.
Stunning photo essay from Reuters shows China’s economy put on hold with empty streets and shopping places throughout China (Source: Reuters)
Lion’s share: China represents the largest share of global GDP, based on purchasing power parity, and if the coronavirus lingers, economic fallout could spread worldwide (Source: Statista, 2019)
In China, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labor force. (Source: ILO estimate and World Bank)
Also read “Official Statistics Understate Chinese Unemployment Rate” from the National Bureau of Economic Research: “China’s real unemployment rate is much higher than the official rate and, when correctly measured, is much closer to that in other nations at similar levels of development, according to ‘Long Run Trends in Unemployment and Labor Force Participation in China’ (NBER Working Paper No. 21460).”