Covid-19 Data Suppression? Florida Today

Any attempt to suppress reports of Covid-19 cases by jurisdictions hoping to protect their tourism industry is a nightmare for the world. Data transparency is key in containing the pandemic, especially as nations strive to reopen their economies. Florida removed control of a public dashboard on Covid19 data from the geographic information system manager who developed the website for the Florida Division of Disease Control and Health Protection. She claims the state terminated her after she refused to make manual adjustments to data. Journalists expressed concern about the state withholding details on deaths, medical examiner reports, testing backlogs. Political leaders, journalists, epidemiologists and researchers rely on the data that is provided in both English and Spanish. The state’s governor pushes for reopening. A state spokeswoman said updates to the website would continue. Florida is not alone in facing such questions on undercounting. – YaleGlobal

Covid-19 Data Suppression? Florida Today

Florida, reopening its economy, terminates web developer who made Covid-19 dashboard after she alleges attempts to manipulate data
Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Read the article from Florida Today about termination of a website developer who reports state officials pressured her to adjust data manually.

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon is an investigative reporter.

Also read the article from the Tallahassee Democrat about the Florida governor promoting the state’s reopening.

Other governments face similar questions on undercounting:

- Mexico City Mayor Denies Undercounting Virus Deaths
- Is India Undercounting Covid-19 Deaths?
- Russia Defends Its Covid-19 Tally
- New Jersey Is Likely Undercounting Covid-19 Deaths
- China Could Have Four Times More Coronavirus Cases

Read about a 2017 study from National Health Plan that suggests erradication of infectious diseases like dengue and malaria could increase tourism.

Florida and Covid-19 Confirmed Cases, showing most cases in Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando and Fort Myers areas: 44,944 Hospitalizations: 8,494 Deaths:	2,052 New Cases: 	No Data
(Source: Florida Department of Health, Division of Disease Control and Health Protection)


World's Most Visited Countries, 2018: International Visitors (Millions)/ Covid-19 Confirmed Cases France 89, 180933 Spain	83, 232037 US	80, 1524107 China	63	84063 Italy	62	226699 Turkey	46, 151615 Mexico 41, 51633 Germany 39, 177778 Thailand 38, 3033 UK	36, 150138
Tourism: Visitors expect hosts to provide reliable data and ensure security, yet testing availability varies among nations (Source: World Atlas)


US Cities Among the World's Most-Visited Cities, Millions, 2019:  Honolulu 2.8531 San Francisco	2.9875 Orlando 5.7257 Las Vegas	6.639 Los Angeles	7.7259 Miami	8.3368 New York City 14.01
Seven US cities rank among the top 100 cities for international visitors (Source: Euromonitor and CEOWorld)

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