Economic Toll of Climate Change: Axios
Economic Toll of Climate Change: Axios
Read the article from Axios about the US Federal Reserve considering its role in preparing for climate change.
Courtenay Brown is a Markets Reporter at Axios.
The International Monetary Fund urges the financial industry and central banks to prepare for climate change, and observations from the working paper on “Macroeconomic and Financial Policies for Climate Change Mitigation” follow:
The broad consensus in the literature is that expected damages caused by unmitigated climate change will be high and the probability of catastrophic tail-risk events is nonnegligible.
The appropriate response to climate change depends on whether a maximization or risk management approach is taken.
The lack of accounting for co-benefits of mitigation also implies that countries’ existing commitments may not go far enough.
The transition requires changes in relative prices as well as large scale public and private investments.
A set of market and governance failures prevent the required transition from taking place in time via the market.
Fiscal policy has a natural role to play in achieving climate mitigation, and a wide range of fiscal policy tools are available.
Political economy dimensions are critical to successful climate change mitigation.
Climate change mitigation can generate inequality within and between countries.
Climate change mitigation raises difficult problems of international policy coordination.
Climate mitigation policies could increase growth and development, and reduce poverty, if well designed and implemented.
The stakes of climate change mitigation are existential.