Financial Times: Trump’s Deal and Palestinian Rights
US presidents repeatedly try and fail to secure peace in the Middle East, and the United States remains “arguably the one country with decisive influence on both the Israelis and Palestinians,” writes Kofi Annan, former secretary-general for the United Nations. He reiterates a comment made by the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley that peace and security require attention to human rights, that people “robbed of their humanity and dignity will inevitably want revenge.” Annan argues for a fresh approach that breaks the longstanding deadlock, and argues that failure is inevitable if historic dispossession, settlement expansion and refugee rights go unaddressed. Taking a new approach, recognizing flaws of the past and working toward a fair two-state solution that truly benefits both sides, would require courage. Annan concludes by urging Palestinians and Israelis to consider the agreement between Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk for ending South Africa’s apartheid for inspiration. – YaleGlobal
Financial Times: Trump’s Deal and Palestinian Rights
Palestinians and Israel: Americans should know that a people deprived of liberty will never be pacified
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Read the article from the Financial Times about efforts to achieve an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.
Financial Times
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