Gambling Dilemma: Rappler
Gambling Dilemma: Rappler
Read the article from Rappler about online gambling sites in the Philippines that target clients in China, where gambling is illegal.
Bob Herrera-Lim is the Southeast Asia analyst for the New York-based firm Teneo.
Read about laws on gambling in China.
Read about gaming disorder from the World Health Organization.
Problem Gambling
The American Psychiatric Association describes: “repeated problematic gambling behavior that causes significant problems or distress. It is also called gambling addiction or compulsive gambling.”
Diagnosis requires four of the following conditions during the previous year:
● Need to gamble with increasing amount of money.
● Restless or irritable when trying to reduce or stop gambling.
● Repeated unsuccessful efforts to reduce or stop gambling.
● Frequent thoughts about gambling.
● Often gambling when feeling distressed.
● After losing money gambling, often returning to “get even.”
● Lying to conceal gambling activity.
● Jeopardizing or losing a significant relationship, career or education opportunity because of gambling.
● Relying on others to help with money problems caused by gambling