Governance and Climate Disruption: Mail & Guardian
Climate change is changing communities and their surrounding environment, exacerbating floods, droughts, wildfires, storms and other challenges associated with human interventions. “It has a cruel way of exposing existing failures, which is why good governance is so important in countries preparing for a changing climate,” explains Sipho Kings for the Mail & Guardian. He offers examples: Dams built along the Mekong River combined with drought block water from Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar; and dams and pollutants contributing to water shortages in countries Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini and Mozambique. Governments must prepare polices and preventive measures or risk dislocation of large populations, the loss of livelihoods, water and land shortages, and other challenges. “More droughts and floods, driven by climate change, will expose competing political pressures,” he warns. “This will be what sparks so many of the wars of the future.” – YaleGlobal
Governance and Climate Disruption: Mail & Guardian
Climate change will displace many people and ruin livelihoods, and good governance is essential for managing transition and containing disruptions
Monday, May 4, 2020
Read the article from the Mail & Guardian about the need for policies to manage the disruptions anticipated from climate change.
Sipho Kings is the Mail & Guardian's news editor. He also does investigative environment journalism.
Mail & Guardian
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