‘Dubai Aid City’ Launched

Suffering people and Dubai businesses will benefit from new international aid facilities.
Jamila Qadir
June 16, 2003

African Aid Projects That Work: Partnerships on the Ground, Not Donations From a Distance

Through partnerships, NGOs aim to create projects that will eventually become self-sufficient
January 1, 2008

World Bank Fund Will Pay to Leave Forests Standing

The fund’s goal is to ensure that climate and forest policy go hand in hand
December 14, 2007

The Essential Agenda

Egyptians have mixed feelings towards providing aid to Anglo-American occupied Iraq.
Osama El-Ghazali Harb
May 16, 2003

Greening U.S. Foreign Aid through the Millennium Challenge Account

Bush's Millennium Challenge Account is "blind to the role of the environment in alleviating poverty and improving lives," argues Nigel Purvis of the Brookings Institution.
Nigel Purvis
June 5, 2003