In The News

Theodore Schleifer April 10, 2020
Inequality has widened as governments rely on tax cuts for the wealthy and delay investment in infrastructure, disaster preparedness, education or other social programs that benefit entire societies. Starved of revenues, many governments fail in their pandemic response. “The US government has repeatedly proven to be sluggish at best and impotent at worst at controlling the carnage of the...
Michael M. Phillips March 28, 2020
Africa is confronting increasing militant threats from extremists, including Al Qaeda, the Islamic State and Boko Haram. However, the United States has reduced its military presence in Africa by cutting 17 percent of personnel over the past two years – actions aligned with an adjustment of its worldwide troop commitment and the Trump administration’s strategy of reducing dispersed actions against...
January 27, 2020
Africa is projected to be the fastest growing continent for both population and economic growth. Britain is considering ways to regain influence in Africa after Brexit. Prime Minister Boris Johnson hopes to strengthen business and social ties with African countries and looks forward to enthusiastic responses. Methods for revitalizing British influence in Africa, including diplomacy, aid, and...
January 27, 2020
Case managers for the House of Representatives and the US president’s legal team present evidence on whether or not Donald Trump abused power and obstructed a congressional investigation into blocking military aid for Ukraine in exchange for an announcement into an investigation of a political rival. Trump blocked his staff from testifying, but multiple witnesses report such an exchange was his...
Jonathan Bernstein January 17, 2020
So much of politics depends on appearances and voter perceptions rather than evidence. Proceedings resume January 21, and surprises emerged beforehand. Ukraine accused Russia of hacking into Burisma, a firm targeted by Trump associates for wooing the son of a former US vice president for board service. Lev Parnas, accused of campaign irregularities, turned over emails, photographs and other...
Andrew E. Kramer December 17, 2019
The International Monetary Fund has agreed to lend $5.5 billion to Ukraine if the Kyiv government led by President Volodymyr Zelensky meets required conditions. While this agreement requires approval by the IMF board, it is still a strong signal, encouraging foreign investment and demonstrating support for Ukraine's government, especially on its anticorruption and economic policies. In...
Julia F. Cadenas December 9, 2019
About 50,000 asylum seekers have arrived at the Madrid airport in 2019 and overwhelmed social service programs. The asylum seekers head to the police station and make appointments to begin pursuing international protection. As political leaders debate who bears responsibility for the asylum seekers, ordinary citizens struggle to look at a desperate human being and not assist. Hundreds have...