How Africans See the Initiative to Help the Continent

Africans worry that aid from the G-8 will be channeled into their corrupt leaders' back accounts
Bashir Goth
July 8, 2005

A Very Dangerous Game

US borrowing levels may be both unsustainable and destabilizing
Martin Wolf
September 30, 2003

A Message to the South

The crisis of multilateralism in international relations is deep but not irreparable
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
June 30, 2005

Choking on Aid Money in Africa

Is a new approach necessary to combat poverty in Africa?
Erich Wiedemann
July 5, 2005

A Truckload of Nonsense

Unconditional debt relief may be the only way for the G-8 to facilitate successful development of African countries
George Monbiot
June 15, 2005