Globalization's Missing Middle

Middle-income countries, unable to compete in either the knowledge-based or the lower-wage economies, deserve the attention of the United States and the European Union
Geoffrey Garrett
November 5, 2004

Making Innocents Pay for Other's Sins

Strategic kidnapping in Iraq does not even the score for civilian casualties
October 6, 2004

Patriot Qualms

The US Patriot Act handicaps the work of independent relief organizations worldwide
Paula R. Newberg
October 6, 2004

Afghan Archaeology on Road to Recovery

International teams help troubled nation restore cultural heritage after decades of strife
John W. Betlyon
October 12, 2004

Globalization and the Political Future of Nigeria

Recent oil crises reveal Nigeria as a crucial link in the global chain
Sam Ejike Okoye
October 15, 2004