Europe Fears Civil Unrest

Failing to control economic decline, leaders discuss handling citizen anger and possible protests
Peter O'Neil
January 26, 2009

The Revolt of a Disappointed Generation

Anger and anarchy spread from the birthplace of democracy
Manfred Ertel
December 18, 2008

As It Wields Power Abroad, U.S. Outsources Law and Order Work

DynCorp Is Asked to Restore Policing, In Iraq Vital to an American Exit; Chief Gillway Goes to Baghdad
Andrew Higgins
February 2, 2004

Diplomats Put on Backlash Alert

Though the white powder found at the Indonesian embassy in Australia may actually be harmless, a security threat remains
Cynthia Banham
June 2, 2005

The Underbelly of Globalisation

The Chinese workers who died were victims of cowboy capitalism
Tony Woodley
February 7, 2004