Poor Show at Evian

With conflict at home and the fall-out from the war on Iraq, initiatives to reduce debt in the South and to advance African development slipped off the G-8 summit's agenda.
David Tresilian
June 6, 2003

Easterners Fight for Shorter Working Hours, but 35-Hour Workweek is a Myth

More workers down tools after steel employees win concessions.
Heidi Sylvester
June 13, 2003

Canada's Aid Seeded China Dam

Foreign corporations benefit from controversial projects in emerging economies
Ian Johnson
January 2, 2008

It’s Too Late for Later

Delay is not an option in the battle against climate change
Thomas L. Friedman
December 18, 2007

A Tale of Two Visions

"Arab intellectuals have gathered on opposite sides of the American question – 'Are you with us or against us?' -- and are shouting at each other over the divide."
Omayma Abdel-Latif
May 30, 2003