Poverty Doesn't Create Terrorists

"Once a country's degree of civil liberties is taken into account, income per capita bears no relation to involvement in terrorism."
Alan B. Krueger
May 29, 2003

UN Warns of Environmental Threats

A growing population living beyond its means endangers humans and the planet
James Kanter
October 26, 2007

Globalization Offers Potential Boon for Africans

Africans cannot be passive in setting their own priorities
Dianna Games
November 7, 2007

A Trusteeship for Palestine?

How an international trusteeship could end Palestinian-Israeli violence and establish a viable Palestinian state
Martin Indyk
May 12, 2003

China's School Children Learn to Love English

China begins teaching English to prepare its 130 million elementary school children for a bright future in a new, globalized era.
Richard McGregor
April 15, 2003