China’s Plan for Global Warming: Wait for the US

With the G-8 summit addressing climate change, all nations expect both the US and China to play a pivotal role
Michael Richardson
June 5, 2007

US Pet Deaths: Wake-Up Call on Global Food Safety?

Without controls on agrochemicals, protectionist calls to limit crop imports provide a false sense of security
Susan Froetschel
April 24, 2007

Will Travel, Wreak Havoc: How Invasive Species Affect Ecological Diversity

Tourism and trade bring unwanted biological species threatening other countries’ ecosystems
Michael Richardson
January 14, 2003

American Congress Can Affect Global Warming

The earth's climate should not become an accidental casualty of the American electoral process
James Gustave Speth
December 27, 2002

Global Climate Change: Taking the Battle to the Campus

Governments may dawdle, but universities and other institutions can take the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Richard Levin
February 26, 2007

Who Should Foot the Bill on Climate Change?

Debate heats up over whether developing or developed nations should bear the costs
Scott Barrett
March 2, 2007

Megacities Might Not Save the Planet After All

Inequality contributes to low energy use
Lizzie Wade
April 29, 2015

The Moral Issue of Our Time

From all corners of the planet, activists are tackling climate change as a moral cause
Jeff Nesbit
April 24, 2015

Yale Study Maps US Climate Opinion in Unprecedented Geographic Detail

Most action on controlling carbon in the US is from state and local governments
Kevin Dennehy
April 22, 2015

Mozambique Will Be Stripped of Its Forests “in Just a Few Years”

Corruption and poverty threaten Africa’s hardwood forests
Andrea Dijkstra
April 8, 2015

What the West Can Learn From Japan’s “Lost Decades”

Stagnation may be a form of sustainability
Roland Kelts
April 3, 2015