Obama in India: Time to Get Serious on Common Goals

The world’s two biggest democracies do not reach full potential on trade or other common interests
Vikram Mansharamani
January 22, 2015

China, Russia and the US Juggle Soft and Hard Power

As the global balance of power shifts, more countries try out hard power
Alistair Burnett
January 8, 2015

Plummeting Oil Prices Upend Global Economy

Oil importing nations celebrate while the exporters scramble to balance budgets and keep markets
Chris Miller
January 6, 2015

An Afghan Dilemma for China and India

For regional prosperity, Afghan President Ghani expects China, India, Pakistan to help smooth transition
Harsh V. Pant
December 4, 2014

Iran’s Nuclear Smuggling Legacy: Finders Keepers?

In sorting through Iran’s nuclear supplies, P5+1 must decide how to handle illegally gained materials and equipment
Leonard S. Spector
November 18, 2014

WWII Celebration Plans by Putin and Xi to Score Points

Russian and Chinese presidents aim to divide US and allies, including Japan, with WWII celebration
Stein Tønnesson
November 13, 2014