Spread of 'Preemptive-ism' and Indonesia Sovereignty

Unjustified military action should be tried in the International Court of Justice
Mohamad Mova Al Afghani
October 7, 2004

Measure first, then cut

A new study shows that bad regulations are a huge brake on global growth and yet they can be reformed easily
September 9, 2004

A Little Red Dot and Tension Across the Taiwan Strait

A speech given by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Singapore’s “One China” policy
Lee Hsien Loong
August 23, 2004

Countdown in Khartoum

The Darfur peace talks in Nigeria stall over demobilisation, but efforts to secure peace in Sudan continue
Gamal Nkrumah
August 27, 2004

Chávez's 'Monitors' Are Really Electoral Tourists

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez places stringent restrictions on legitimate election monitors
Andres Oppenheimer
August 8, 2004