India: Poverty Retreats with Globalization’s Advance

Economic dynamism spurred by global connections helped an impoverished nation to overcome crises
Baldev Raj Nayar
February 1, 2007

Questioning Milton Friedman’s Free Market and Freedom

Political freedoms may not flow naturally from economic freedoms
Pranab Bardhan
January 30, 2007

Diplomacy as Afterthought Wins US Few Mideast Converts

While pro-American Arab leaders are paralyzed by Iraq violence, Israel-Palestine interlocutors are lame ducks
Fawaz A. Gerges
January 23, 2007

First Contact

China flirted with globalization six centuries before the WTO
Aparisim Ghosh
October 10, 2002

Music Marches to Globalization’s Drum

Exploration, trade, religion, migration and war influence composers and their music
Richard Boursy
January 18, 2007

Is Southeast Asia Becoming China’s Playpen?

As China gains strategic advantage in Southeast Asia, the region seeks balance
Sheng Lijun
January 11, 2007

A Different Take on Human Origins

New scientific findings may modify the “Out of Africa” theory of human origin.
John Noble Wilford
March 7, 2002

Asia's Security Depends on Opportunities for All

Basic social needs must be met to solve security and development problems
Surin Pitsuwan
January 15, 2004

Among Arabs, Embarrassment Over the Surrender of a Figure Who Once Defied the West

Saddam Hussein's capture elicits mixed reactions in Middle East
Neil MacFarquhar
December 15, 2003

For Zimbabwe’s White Farmers, Time to Move On

White farmers in Zimbabwe, driven off their land, can’t provide food for thousands of starving citizens.
Rachel L. Swarns
August 4, 2003

Yes, This Is About Islam

Washington is wrong - the fight against terrorism is all about Islam
Salman Rushdie
November 2, 2001