India and Pakistan Get Ready for Cricket

How the old rivals are finding a way to peace
March 8, 2004

Taiwan's Challenge to China and the World - Part I

Taiwan's democratic exercise provokes muscle flexing in Beijing and keeps Western defense industries in business
Jean-Pierre Cabestan
March 12, 2004

A Rising New Force in World Public Opinion

Under the umbrella of the World Social Forum, a variety of dissidents from all over the world have begun to assert themselves
Immanuel Wallerstein
January 28, 2004

One Hand Clapping in the Caucasus

Global forces helped to push change, but the region’s long-term success is not assured
Kenneth Weisbrode
January 26, 2004

President Bush's New Plan to Stop Proliferation

Will his unilateral approach and the budget shortfall make it all bark and no bite?
Joseph Cirincione
February 13, 2004

Israeli Surgeons Helping Swaziland in Drive to Curb HIV

Circumcised men are at least 60 percent less likely to contract HIV/AIDS
Craig Timberg
October 24, 2007

American Power Moves beyond the Mere Super

US military supremacy may encourage its opponents to turn to the weapons of mass destruction.
Gregg Easterbrook
April 27, 2003

Return to Bilateralism

A new beginning for India and Pakistan?
May 13, 2003

U.S. to Blame for Derailing Process of Denuclearisation on Korean Peninsula

On the eve of South Korean PM’s US visit, a report highlights US culpability in nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
May 12, 2003

A Trusteeship for Palestine?

How an international trusteeship could end Palestinian-Israeli violence and establish a viable Palestinian state
Martin Indyk
May 12, 2003