English Butler Leads China's Latest Cultural Revolution

Booming economy and influx of foreigners require an upmarket service sector
Jonathan Watts
October 26, 2005

Cheating Great Expectations

History should serve as a reminder that major players in the global and regional economy must be treated as such
Philip Bowring
September 1, 2005

India's Mini-Multinationals Make Waves in Western Markets

A former colony becomes a global business owner
Anand Giridharadas
September 2, 2005

Tehran Is Using Iraq to Steadily Penetrate the Arab World

Shiite rule in Iraq could lead to a new era in relations with Iran – and shift the regional balance of power
Kamran Taremi
August 18, 2005

Shared Pasts, Different Futures

A look at China's history adds perspective to the actions of today's terrorists
Abdel-Moneim Said
August 19, 2005