English Craze Hits Chinese Language Standards

More and more Asians latch on to the language as a passport to a better future
Goh Sui Noi
August 30, 2004

Of Do-Gooder Celebrities and Stereotyped Bleak Image

Calcutta critics argue that visits by "bleeding heart" Westerners obscure the signs of progress
S. N. M. Abdi
September 16, 2004

Massacre Draws Self-Criticism in Muslim Press

In rare displays of candor, Arab commentators express disgust for fundamentalist violence
John Kifner
September 9, 2004

Purity of Chinese Language Debated

Officials insist that Chinese must maintain integrity to become the next major world language
September 13, 2004

A Little Red Dot and Tension Across the Taiwan Strait

A speech given by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Singapore’s “One China” policy
Lee Hsien Loong
August 23, 2004