The Qaeda Vipers in Europe’s Bosom

Europe is just as vulnerable to an al Qaeda attack as the United States, and European governments must work to prevent them.
Jonathan Stevenson
February 1, 2003

Political Will Needed to Eliminate Racial Discrimination

How can Indonesia come to grips with histories of colonialism and inequality that have shaped its entire society?
Zakki Hakim
February 4, 2003

Gephardt Is Preparing a Measure to Legalize Illegal Immigrants

Democrats want to grant permanent residency status to some of the 8 million illegal immigrants in the United States.
Carl Hulse
July 23, 2002

Dating of Australian Remains Backs Theory of Early Migration of Humans

New dating of an archaeological site may confirm the "out of Africa" theory of human migration
Nicholas Wade
February 19, 2003

Draw Foreigners to Private Singapore Schools - and Be Paid for It

Singapore private schools are stepping up efforts to attract foreign students.
Sandra Davie
February 20, 2003