The Truth About Talibanistan

Taking advantage of unrest in Pakistan, extremists claim a remote tribal region as their own
Aryn Baker
March 27, 2007

Talks With Taliban Still the Best Prospect

After five years of fighting failed to control Afghanistan, some officials venture to suggest diplomacy with the Taliban
Bronwen Maddox
February 28, 2007

After NATO's Year of Identity Crisis, a Defining Meeting

With an upcoming meeting in Prague, NATO must redefine its purpose to meet the new challenges of the twenty-first century.
Steven Erlanger
November 4, 2002

America in Africa: Addressing a Mix of Islam and Oil

Reduced US aid for education and health care in Africa threatens national security
Ricardo Rene Laremont
February 6, 2007

NATO after Riga

NATO struggles to support a weak government in Afghanistan while combating the economy’s heavy reliance on opium production
Joseph S. Nye
December 14, 2006