Iran’s Lebanon Card

To attack or to negotiate, the world has a stark choice in confronting Iran
George Perkovich
August 24, 2006

A Path to Global Disarmament

How the world responds to potential nuclear states influences global security
Hans Blix
October 5, 2006

Call the Conflict by Its Proper Name: Geo-Civil War

Stability for the Middle East is a top priority, as instability only emboldens radicals and forces that oppose democracy
John Brenkman
September 12, 2006

Gauging Terror – Part II, India

Despite suffering substantial losses from terrorism, India resists initiating military strikes
Michael Krepon
August 17, 2006

North Korea’s Missiles Backfire

With Beijing and Moscow on the UN sanctions bandwagon, it’s time for a hard decision by Kim Jong Il
Shim Jae Hoon
July 18, 2006

Hacia Aguas Ignotas

Pratap Bhanu Mehta
March 7, 2006

Coming Clean or Playing for Time?

Iran is cooperating with UN nuclear inspections, for now
October 23, 2003

Thinking the Unthinkable: A World Without Nuclear Weapons

The world could be ready to accept a new global nuclear policy, and looks to the US for leadership
Carla Anne Robbins
July 1, 2008

Talking to Iran Is Not So Controversial

Negotiations aren’t just prudent – they’re also popular
Ilan Goldenberg
July 15, 2008

North Korea Says It Is Using Plutonium to Make A-Bombs

But promises not to share with other countries
James Brooke
October 2, 2003

Measure Would Alter Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy

Energy bill provision would ease constraints on exports of bomb-grade uranium
R. Jeffrey Smith
October 4, 2003