U.S. Sending 2 Dozen Bombers in Easy Range of North Koreans

Even before North Korea threatened American spy planes this weekend, the American government had ordered two dozen bombers to within attack range of Pyongyang.
David E. Sanger
March 5, 2003

Powell fails to win over China on two hot spots

"On North Korea, Beijing does not back a call for a multilateral approach. On Iraq, it does not endorse military action."
Goh Sui Noi
February 25, 2003

The U.S. and the End of WMD Regimes

Is it fear of weapons of mass destruction or political gamesmanship that drives the Bush administration’s foreign policy?
Shireen M. Mazari
February 26, 2003

Agni-III Missile Test: Asia’s Latest Great Power Joins the Game

India test fires a missile that could reach China’s major cities – thus moving security higher on the Asian agenda
Gwynne Dyer
April 24, 2007

US Planning Sanctions Against North Korea

Washington needs back-up if current crisis escalates.
James Dao
February 17, 2003