Looking for Legitimacy in All the Wrong Places

Success in Iraq would restore the US's Cold-War image as the defender of the common good.
Robert Kagan
August 26, 2003

Why the US needs the UN in Iraq

American readiness to consider a UN multinational force in Iraq is born out of need, not desire.
Paul Reynolds
August 28, 2003

China May Give Up Attempt to Send Arms to Zimbabwe

Neighboring nations, trade unions and courts oppose sending arms to a volatile political scene
Celia W. Dugger
April 23, 2008

So Clinton Was Right About Beijing and Jello

Online passion and rumors can move at quicker pace than reason and truth
Richard McGregor
May 8, 2008

To Tackle Global Terrorism, Target the Local Roots

America's global war on terrorism will not touch the terrorist groups that think and act locally.
Janadas Deyan
August 27, 2003