Iran’s Global Ambitions – Part III

Global opinion disapproves of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, but differs on how to stop it
Bruce Stokes
September 17, 2010

Iran’s Global Ambitions – Part II

China's caution in supporting UN sanctions is good news for Iran's nuclear aspirations
Willem van Kemenade
September 15, 2010

Iran’s Global Ambitions – Part I

Sanctions don’t slow Iran’s drive for influence in the developing world
Jamsheed K. Choksy
September 13, 2010

A Cash-Strapped US Faces Diminished Political Clout

The US can no longer afford grand foreign-policy initiatives
Michael Mandelbaum
August 31, 2010

Manhattan Project: The Great Mosque Divide

Both conservatives and liberals draw wrong conclusions about a global issue
Sadanand Dhume
August 24, 2010

Power Game in Asia Trips Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Attempts to gain influence by spreading technology threaten the non-proliferation regime
Harsh V. Pant
August 12, 2010

Big Projects Face Growing Resistance

German politicians blame aging population and not priorities or cost over-runs
Sven Böll, Horand Knaup and Paul Middelhoff
July 16, 2014

US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

China has started rebalancing its economy while the United States balks
July 14, 2014

Hunger Games Salute “Catching Fire” in Thailand

All sides rely on the salute, reflecting general discontent
July 8, 2014

Hong Kong Votes, Beijing Fumes: Analysis

China must decide how much democracy contributes to Hong Kong’s wealth and success
Dylan Loh Ming Hui
July 3, 2014

China Backs Argentina's Position on Falkland Islands

98 percent of the islanders prefer UK control
Fiona Govan
June 27, 2014