Tehran Is Using Iraq to Steadily Penetrate the Arab World

Shiite rule in Iraq could lead to a new era in relations with Iran – and shift the regional balance of power
Kamran Taremi
August 18, 2005

Free Trade and Poverty

As China's example shows, Latin America needs more, not less, globalization to reduce poverty
Joachim Bamrud
August 3, 2005

How Africans See the Initiative to Help the Continent

Africans worry that aid from the G-8 will be channeled into their corrupt leaders' back accounts
Bashir Goth
July 8, 2005

The Zapatistas: The Second Stage

Could the Zapatistas be signalizing a change in anti-systemic movements around the world?
Immanuel Wallerstein
July 15, 2005

Choking on Aid Money in Africa

Is a new approach necessary to combat poverty in Africa?
Erich Wiedemann
July 5, 2005