Militant Imams Under Scrutiny Across Europe

Officials worry that prominent religious figures are inspiring young men to join the Iraqi insurgency
Lowell Bergman
January 25, 2005

Indonesia's Canberra Embassy Shut After Scare

"Biological agent," possible relative of anthrax-causing bacteria, delivered via mail
Michelle Nichols
June 1, 2005

Voting, Not Violence, is the Story for Arab Press

Arab news outlets choose to downplay fighting to focus on democratic vote
Hassan M. Fattah
January 31, 2005

Germany's "Project Cleanup" Could Deport Hundreds of Radical Muslims

Controversial new law targets suspected Islamic terrorists
Markus Deggerich
February 1, 2005

New Bush Policy Not to Affect Ties with Pakistan

Facing criticism for inauguration speech, Bush administration tries to soothe non-democratic allies' fears
Anwar Iqbal
January 24, 2005