Ranking the Rich 2004

The 2004 Commitment to Development Index ranks 21 rich nations on how their policies help poor countries
May 3, 2004

Al-Qaeda Tries to Split West Over Iraq

Terrorist group offers European countries a three month respite from terrorist attacks in exchange for withdrawing their forces from Iraq
Mark Huband
April 16, 2004

Militants in Europe Openly Call for Jihad and the Rule of Islam

Islamic extremists preach to conquer their host countries while enjoying the liberties they provide
Patrick E. Tyler
April 26, 2004

Ambassadors' Letter to Blair

52 former British ambassadors urge the British prime minister to influence US policy in the Middle East
April 26, 2004

Olympics Insured Against Terrorism

The Olympics Games, a venue for athletes from across the world, addresses its vulnerability to terrorist attacks
Philip Hersh
April 28, 2004