Flattening World Challenges Imagination

Global climate change intensified by globalization will create new types of jobs, says Thomas Friedman
April 13, 2007

The World’s Growing Nuclear Club

India can offer some lessons on non-proliferation in a new nuclear age
Humphrey Hawksley
April 16, 2007

Against the Wall: The US Faces a United Iraq

Rejection of the Baghdad divider shows a tiny glimmer of hope for defeating Al Qaeda in Iraq
Humphrey Hawksley
May 1, 2007

Anti-Terror Fight Has to Be a Marathon Run on Wilsonian Principle, Not Cheap Oil

Terrorism cannot be fought on the basis of some universal principles while ignoring others
Thomas L. Friedman
February 8, 2003

A Quietly Growing Nuclear Danger in North Korea

Only a jumpstart to negotiations between the US and North Korea can halt deterioration
Nayan Chanda
January 28, 2003

The Jihadist Eruption

Ethnic divisions, leftover weapons from Libyan conflict, allow extremists to take over much of Mali
Shiraz Maher
January 18, 2013

Is Mali Another Loss for Counterinsurgency?

Strategists want to avoid making a Mali a magnet for jihadists
Max Fisher
January 16, 2013

Conciliatory Tones From Egypt’s Islamist Leaders

The Muslim Brotherhood should not alarm the West
Jackson Diehl
December 7, 2011

The Arab Spring’s Unintended Consequences

Nations must decide if supporting or denouncing neighbors is the better investment
Christopher Hill
September 29, 2011

Norway Attacks: Anders Behring Breivik Will Join History's Human Monsters

Evil lies in wait for any community
Henning Mankell
July 27, 2011