A Clash of Civilizations in Europe?

Sensitivity over every perceived slight to religion pits Islam against European secularism
Patrick Sabatier
October 17, 2006

The Withdrawal Syndrome – Part I

Withdrawal in Iraq does not preclude success elsewhere in the world
Richard N. Haass
October 31, 2006

The Withdrawal Syndrome – Part II

The meaning of victory in Iraq continues to disintegrate
Dilip Hiro
November 2, 2006

Iran’s Lebanon Card

To attack or to negotiate, the world has a stark choice in confronting Iran
George Perkovich
August 24, 2006

A Path to Global Disarmament

How the world responds to potential nuclear states influences global security
Hans Blix
October 5, 2006

The Jihad and the West – Part II

Muslims could benefit from removing the word “jihad” from the vocabulary of politics
Mohammed Ayoob
September 26, 2006

US Is a Top Villain in Pakistan’s Conspiracy Talk

A few benefit by sowing mistrust and dividing nations
Sabrina Tavernise
May 27, 2010

The Assimilated Terrorist: An Outsider No Longer

The internet, assisted by economic hardship and alienation, tests some loyalties
Jesse Washington
May 14, 2010

Black Hole on the Black Sea

A weak spot for nuclear terrorism
Sharon Weinberger
May 11, 2010

Nuclear Security

Time to focus on securing fissile material
Mohamed ElBaradei, Graham Allison, Ernesto Zedillo
April 13, 2010

Lady Gaga Versus Mideast Peace

The impact of global American culture
Bret Stephens
April 6, 2010