Global Eye -- Copycat Killers

The US’s global fight against terrorism excuses brutality in Indonesia and masks US interests in the region.
Chris Floyd
May 30, 2003

From New York to Melbourne, Protest Against War on Iraq

Millions of protesters gather worldwide to peacefully demonstrate against a war on Iraq.
Robert D. McFadden
February 16, 2003

Thailand Tiptoes in Step With American Antiterror Effort

Thailand keeps assistance to the US anti-terrorist effort quiet to protect tourism.
Raymond Bonner
June 8, 2003

Friends with the Dragon

Both China, India are changing and we should harness this to mutual advantage, says former Indian ambassador to China.
C.V. Ranganathan
June 24, 2003

The Selling of the Iraq War

Bush bought support for the Iraq War at the price of the CIA’s integrity and America’s trust.
John B Judis
June 25, 2003