Trading Civil War for Small-Town Sweden

Refugees of Iraqi war welcome the boredom of small-town life, yet yearn to help their struggling nation
Charles Hawley
May 29, 2007

Global Rush to Energy Crops Threatens to Bring Food Shortages and Increase Poverty, Says UN

The push for more energy crops to create biofuels comes at an increasing risk
John Vidal
May 25, 2007

Bush May Turn to UN in Search for Iraq Solution

With the surge in Iraq failing, the Bush administration is developing a more international approach
Simon Tisdall
May 24, 2007

Massacres and Paramilitary Land Seizures Behind the Biofuel Revolution

Much like oil and narcotics, energy alternatives inspire greed
Oliver Balch
June 13, 2007

Food First or Trade First?

“Trade liberalization cannot set the determining framework for how food is produced and how agriculture is organized.”
Vandana Shiva
February 25, 2003