Filmmakers Seek Protection from U.S. Dominance

European filmmakers, led by the French industry, host a convention in an effort to further exempt cultural products from the authority of the WTO.
Alan Riding
February 5, 2003

Why We Know Iraq Is Lying

For those skeptics of the Bush administration's handling of Iraq…
Condoleezza Rice
January 23, 2003

Schröder's back is against the wall

Schroder’s anti-war stance pits him against much of Europe, and he may lose the chancellorship for it.
Elise Kissling
February 7, 2003

The Righteous War

The decision to go to war with Iraq is setting the stage for further US decline.
Immanuel Wallerstein
February 15, 2003

Crisis Over Saddam a Huge Test for Europe

"Commentator argues that France, Germany have a history of buckling under to U.S."
Doug Bandow
January 31, 2003