In The News

Celia W. Dugger April 10, 2007
Intervention, even with the best intentions, can cause unforeseen tragic consequences. Thousands of people starve in Zambia, caught in a web of international health groups that supply drugs for AIDS, improving health yet increasing the pangs of hunger; weather patterns that deliver drought; local politicians who don’t want to release large food supplies; and wealthy nations in the West that...
Fred Weir April 9, 2007
The US, the European Union, India, China and Russia compete for influence in Central Asia – a place crucial because of its oil and natural gas reserves, with vital pipelines crisscrossing the region. Currently, Central Asian states largely rely on Russian infrastructure to deliver and sell their oil. Analysts in the West question reliability of Russian oil supplies because of the monopolistic...
Ray Takeyh April 3, 2007
After decades of pursuing a policy of containment and preaching virulent anti-communism, Richard Nixon traveled to China in 1972, marking a new era of negotiation, compromise and cooperation that became known as “détente.” China, a rising East Asian power, assisted the US in exiting the unpopular Vietnam War, tackling more serious threats and bringing stability to the region; the US could gain...
Andrew C. Revkin April 2, 2007
Global warming is a form of aggression imposed by rich countries on the poor, according to the president of Uganda. Africa accounts for less than 3 percent of the carbon emissions that trap greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to a steady increase in global temperatures, a rise in sea levels and a shift in precipitation from the equator toward the poles. Developing nations contributed more...
Joergen Oerstroem Moeller March 21, 2007
In terms of trade, politics and security, Asian nations can cooperate or they can be nationalistic, working alone and creating unnecessary competition with neighbors. The nationalist route, with all its attempts to prove superiority, can provide a false sense of security for large segments of any citizenry. Asian powers such as Japan and China demonstrate both nationalistic and cooperative...
Scott Barrett March 2, 2007
While the historic responsibility for the current state of atmospheric greenhouse gases lies with the now-developed countries, the fastest growing emitters are currently in the developing world. Scott Barrett, director of the International Policy Program at Johns Hopkins University, argues that it is in everyone’s interest to pursue the most efficient policy rather than the apparently populist...
David E. Sanger March 2, 2007
In 2002, US officials used intelligence reports not only to expound the danger of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, but also build a case against North Korea. The US accused Pyongyang of seeking to enrich uranium for use in a nuclear bomb and North Korea expelled weapons inspectors. Nearly five years later, as North Korea once again opens its doors for inspectors, American intelligence...