In The News

Martin Wolf January 9, 2019
The livelihoods and routines of more than 7 billion people depend on a stable global economy, and there are always reasons to worry, including long-term structural and cyclical challenges, explains Martin Wolf for the Financial Times. Global growth has slowed, led by a slowdown in the Chinese economy, but central banks and global markets can and do adjust to cyclical changes. While severe...
John A. Mathews January 2, 2019
China’s Belt and Road global investment strategy is financing more than $1 trillion in infrastructure development in more than 70 nations. The initiative, global in scope, is a response to the US “pivot to Asia” announced under the Obama administration, “carefully and astutely crafted to take advantage of moves by the US as the current hegemon,” explains John A. Matthews for the Asia-Pacific...
Mark Landler and Edward Wong December 14, 2018
The United States plans to devote more funding and attention on Africa, according to National Security Adviser John Bolton. He suggests the threat for Africa is not poverty or extremism but expanding Chinese influence. “Bolton conceded that the United States had limited resources to compete with the tens of billions of dollars China is pouring into Africa,” report Mark Landler and Edward Wong for...
Kenneth Rogoff November 9, 2018
Economic recession, spurred by protectionist policies, is inevitable for China. Kenneth Rogoff, writing for Project Syndicate, rejects economic analysis suggesting that much of China’s problems could be regionally contained and argues that the China’s problems would quickly spread to international capital markets with so many foreign firms earning profits in Chinese markets. Asia’s high saving...
Jeff Desjardins October 23, 2018
Globalization, while less popular in some countries, still contributes to rapid change throughout the world. Global networks allow for immediate spread of new ideas, and Jeff Desjardins of Visual Capitalist identifies eight forces of global change with striking information graphics: Technology, data analysis and artificial intelligence contribute to efficiency; tech companies now represent the...
Nouriel Roubini and Brunello Rosa October 1, 2018
A global recession is anticipated in 2020, and Nouriel Roubini and Brunello Rosa suggest it could be severe. Fiscal-stimulus policies are unsustainable and contribute to overheating and inflation, which in turn drives up interest rates. US trade disputes with China, Europe, Mexico and Canada disrupt supply chains and contributes to slowed growth. Adding complications: a US crackdown on...
Ian Bremmer September 21, 2018
Crises give countries an incentive to adjust, and the 2008 financial crisis – following on the heels of the costly war in Iraq – eroded confidence in US leadership and capitalism. Likewise, Europe struggled with the euro crisis and a stream of migrants fleeing unrest and conflict in the Middle East. “Today, the global balance of power is no longer clear,” argues Ian Bremmer for Time. China...