In The News

January 30, 2003
Economics may trump politics in the 21st century, if recent Taiwan-China cooperation is any indication. Despite bitter relations for the past half-century, Taiwan and China are putting aside their political differences in the name of economic efficiency – at least for the moment. They have chosen to search jointly for oil in the Tainan Basin, the body of water that separates the two countries...
Amira Howeidy January 29, 2003
What effects would a UK- and US-led war on Iraq have on Egypt’s economy, society and political position? What effects are already taking place at the prospect of war? This article in Egypt's Al-Ahram Weekly says Egypt would suffer heavy economic losses, for not only would the war hurt its vital tourism industry, it would also disrupt trade with Iraq and destabilize jobs for Egyptian...
January 29, 2003
Muslim students have closed down a McDonald’s in Indonesia and are calling for a boycott of U.S. products to protest U.S. interference in Indonesia’s domestic affairs. - YaleGlobal
Danny Hakim January 28, 2003
In a global economy in which national boundaries hold little meaning for multinational corporations, American businesses are being forced to deal with competition from abroad. Japanese hybrid automobiles have begun to gain popularity in American markets, and American automakers, fearful of ceding yet another market to Japanese companies, have responded by announcing plans for the development of...
Shada Islam January 28, 2003
The expansion of the European Union to include another 75 million people in Eastern and Central Europe is an event of monumental proportion. Negotiations remain underway as 10 new countries adjust their economies and polities to EU standards on agriculture, trade, human rights, and other issues. Meanwhile, people around the globe are taking stock of what a larger EU means for their region. -...
Gregory Couch January 28, 2003
The European Union's member states are joined together in an effort to remain competitive in an increasingly fierce and globally integrated world economy. It remains to be seen, however, whether the trend of globalization will undermine their national sovereignty. The United States, in an effort to combat terrorism abroad, has made bilateral trade and shipping security arrangements with...
January 27, 2003
To loud fanfare, an airline flight from Taiwan to Hong Kong, and then on to Shanghai, was hailed as a first step towards direct transportation across the Taiwan Strait. Though about 800,000 Taiwanese live and work in China, they have traditionally had to make complex connections to fly home for the New Year’s holiday. Taiwan's China Airlines is leading five other airlines that wish to make...