In The News

Dane Schiller November 27, 2002
A meeting between US Secretary of State Colin Powell and Mexican Foreign Secretary Jorge Castañeda ended with a $25 million pledge to help coordinate border security efforts between Mexican and US law enforcement officials. The larger issue of whether the US will permit temporary workers to enter the US from Mexico is still elusive, despite being one of Mexican president Vicente Fox's main...
Nayan Chanda November 19, 2002
Nayan Chanda November 19, 2002
Jean-Pierra Lehmann November 13, 2002
It is well-known that a brain drain benefits the receiving nation. This nation profits through the innovations and improvements made by the best and brightest immigrants. However, what is not always recognizable is the fact that a brain drain benefits the sending nation as well. The fact that the best minds of a nation leave to live elsewhere puts tremendous pressure upon the home nation to...
Nicholas Wade November 12, 2002
A conference of population geneticists and archeologists has brought the scientific community one step closer to putting together the puzzle of Homo sapiens’ genealogical tree. Technological advancements in genetics now allow scientists to pinpoint DNA information to historical events, like the introduction of agriculture from Anatolia to Europe by analyzing certain Y-chromosome codes of men in...
Jason Leow October 24, 2002
Recent clampdowns on immigration have prevented Chinese students from attending US universities. China Central Television claimed that China leads the world in providing graduate students to the US. Since 2001, however, larger numbers of Chinese students have had their visa applications rejected. A Beijing scholarship center noted that Chinese students contribute close to US$2 billion to...
Norimitsu Onishi September 18, 2002
For many in West and Central Africa, the only hope for decent work lies in reaching Libya, and from there Europe and the Americas. For these illegal immigrants, the journey often means traveling across the punishing Sahara desert. But while surviving the trip is a victory itself, it is no guarantee that they will find the better life they seek. – YaleGlobal