In The News

Antonio Guterres January 11, 2018
More than 65 million people have been forcibly displaced from their games due to conflict or disasters. Many more people migrate in search of opportunities, and the total number of migrants approaches 250 million. “Managing migration is one of the most profound challenges for international cooperation in our time,” explains Antonio Guterres in an essay in the Japan Times. Migration confers many...
Emma Graham-Harrison December 28, 2017
The death of six-year-old Madina Hussiny has shed light on an enduring sociopolitical problem along Europe’s borders – the precarious status of asylum seekers and refugees. Emma Graham-Harrison observes for the Guardian, “The tragedy of the Hussiny family, who tried to reach Croatia after spending nearly a year in Serbia hoping for legal passage into Hungary, was the latest in a string of deaths...
Nicholas Keung October 5, 2017
Low food prices from the agriculture industry rely on low-wage migrant workers, willing to do tasks, as it’s so often said, that citizens in wealthy nations do not want to do. Nicholas Keung, writing for the Toronto Star, profiles Patrick Stanio, age 66, who has worked in Canada for 37 years. “Despite his long history here and devotion to his job, Stanio has always been just a guest in Canada,”...
September 10, 2017
French Artist JR erected a huge photo of an amused toddler gripping the top of the US border wall with Mexico and surveying the territory below, “leaving the impression the entire thing could be toppled with a giggle,” according to the Associated Press. The artwork prompts discussion about proposals to extend the wall the full length of the border, about 2000 miles, and was unveiled the same week...
Kalundi Serumaga July 25, 2017
About 34 million people left Africa and became international migrants in 2015, more than 2 percent of the continent’s population and a slightly higher percentage than those migrating from Asia. Kalundi Serumaga, writing for NewAfrican, describes the many young Africans fleeing conflict and poverty, trying to enter Europe or arrange low-paying menial jobs in the Middle East. “Most of these youths...
Christiane Hoffmann, Walter Mayr, Peter Müller, Christoph Schult and Wolf Wiedmann-Schmidt May 6, 2017
European leaders value the Schengen zone for border-free travel, but recognize it will lose allure for citizens if external borders are not secure, reports a team from Spiegel Online. “Schengen, [Chancellor Angela Merkel] said, means that Germany's neighbors are no longer Austria or Poland, but Russia, Turkey and Libya,” notes the article. Europe has little control over so many countries in...
Sigal Samuel February 24, 2017
As the Trump administration implements hardline immigration policies, which were a driving force of his campaign, hundreds of places of worship across the United States have declared themselves “sanctuary congregations,” meaning they will offer protection to undocumented immigrants facing deportation. In January, a Cincinnati mosque declared itself a sanctuary congregation, but rescinded the...