In The News

Nicole Gaouette October 9, 2007
Despite earlier promises about strict enforcement of immigration laws, the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Department of Labor are reportedly easing policies to welcome more immigrant workers ready to harvest tomatoes, fruit and other crops before they rot. The US refuses to release details, but farmers clamor for more workers, claiming that citizens have no interest in joining the...
Joseph Chamie October 8, 2007
Over the next few decades, Europe's population level is expected to fall by nearly 70 million people, or 10 percent of its current level, even accounting for policies that promote immigration and reproduction. Birth rates have fallen significantly below replacement levels throughout Europe, and the continent's median age steadily climbs. As Joseph Chamie of the Center for Migration...
Shada Islam September 14, 2007
Ever since the 9/11 attacks, Islamic extremists have chosen the US as the target of their ire. But in the six years since 9/11, actual attacks planned on US soil are few in number, with more plotters emerging in Europe. Shada Islam, journalist and policy analyst based in Brussels, suggests that Muslim immigrants in Europe and US both share frustration about Western prejudices and...
Pablo Bachelet August 15, 2007
Migrants report that finding work in the US has become more challenging, according to a recent study conducted by Inter-American Development Bank and the Bendixen polling firm. Migrants often feel as though they live in a “sense of siege” and many contemplate returning to their native countries. In the US, they face job, lending and housing discrimination and often do not make enough money to...
Erich Wiedemann August 6, 2007
Ahmed Marcouch immigrated to the Netherlands when he was 10 years old. With help from teachers, he caught up in school and assimilated into Dutch culture. As mayor of a Slotervaart – a rough neighborhood in Amsterdam with high crime, unemployment and dropout rates – he takes a hard-line stance and urges fellow immigrants to integrate in a country known for its tolerance. The former police...
Ban Ki-moon July 17, 2007
Globalization, like other phenomena, occurs in stages, explains Ban Ki-moon, secretary-general of the United Nations. In the first stage, the flow of capital and goods increased, and, for the most part, developed countries benefited. That stage prompted the age of mobility, with people crossing borders in search a better life and opportunities. Mobility has benefits – for example, remittances,...
Peter Kwong July 17, 2007
One out of every six people in the world is from China, and as a result, Chinese immigrants are increasingly visible around the globe. The movement of people begins in China: As the economy booms, many rural Chinese migrate to cities seeking good jobs, but instead find tough conditions and crowds competing for jobs with low wages. Many start saving again to migrate abroad in search of opportunity...