In The News

Branko Milanovic August 29, 2006
The dominant world powers historically pushed for globalization as a means of increasing wealth and influence. Yet those nations fret as the emerging powers of India and China embrace the same strategy. This two-part series by World Bank economist Branco Milanovic explores why both the world’s wealthiest and poorest nations fear globalization. In the first article, Milanovic argues that citizens...
June Kronholz August 4, 2006
The US wants to deport 40,000 Chinese immigrants, but China refuses to accept them without asylum-seekers such as Falun Gong members and political opponents as well. China’s refusal undermines US attempts at discouraging illegal immigration. The two chambers of the US Congress have clashed over how to handle the more than 10 million illegal immigrants estimated to be in the country, and...
Branko Milanovic August 1, 2006
The first worldwide era of economic globalization ended with the carnage and insecurity of two World Wars separated by a Depression, according to author Branko Milanovic. The end of the current era, he writes, will not necessarily come from global catastrophe, but rather with “an economic retrenchment that brings economic stagnation and consigns billions of people to grinding poverty.”...
Lawrence Downes August 1, 2006
Spain has the most nuanced laws in Europe regarding immigrants and refugees. Still, illegal immigration remains a contentious issue in the country that has received more than 11,000 immigrants from Africa this year. At a recent conference in Morocco, attended by delegates from European and African governments, representatives pledged to move towards a fair resolution of the problem, and the...
Rana Rosen July 24, 2006
As the nation debates the value of immigration, the US Senate has eased restrictions for nurses from India. Nurses from India used to travel to the Middle East, with less stringent test requirements, to earn high wages, but encountered restrictions and segregation. With countries such as Australia, Ireland and the UK setting higher standards for foreign nurses, some in the nursing profession...
Eric Rauchway July 20, 2006
The US is a creature of habit and that means repeating old mistakes, according to author Eric Rauchway. Reaping benefits of industrialization and expansion while devoting few resources to the process, thanks to immigration and foreign capital, the US too often mistakes “habit for virtue.” Rauchway contends that the US deludes itself into acting as though circumstances have changed little since...
Roger Lowenstein July 14, 2006
Many US opponents to immigration base their opinions on worries that immigrants pose competition for struggling unskilled workers already earning low wages. Economist George Borjas, a native-born Cuban who immigrated to the US in 1962, has compiled empirical evidence showing that the influx of unskilled, undocumented workers into the US does threaten working-class Americans, particularly those...