In The News

Zakki Hakim February 4, 2003
For those who take a long-term view of globalization, the phenomenon is in many ways a story of the movement of people. In some countries of Southeast Asia, Chinese descendants of early sojourners often hold positions of great economic strength but little political power. In Indonesia, people of Chinese descent are a tiny but wealthy minority of the population. Despite criticisms from observers...
Jonathan Stevenson February 1, 2003
Europe has been a hotbed of al Qaeda activity, even serving as a planning center for some of the militant Muslims who carried out the September 11 attacks on the US. Social conditions for Muslims in Europe are such that many Muslim immigrants feel alienated in places like Britain. Though European governments have been aggressive in arresting terrorist suspects since September 11 and have...
January 29, 2003
As illegal immigration from North Africa and Eastern Europe increases, European countries coordinate efforts to patrol their Mediterranean coastline. Even though Spain and Italy are the major points of entry, illegal immigration affects all countries of the European Union. While some European officials have argued that the influx of illegal immigrants threatens European jobs, they have also...
Marlise Simons January 29, 2003
Investigations and arrests of terrorist suspects throughout Europe reveal evidence of possible terrorist action against European cities should war with Iraq break out. Those arrested, mostly immigrants from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia, were recruited, trained, and supplied by radical groups in Chechnya and Afghanistan. The large population of Muslim immigrants in Western Europe and the porous...
Bertil Lintner January 10, 2003
Globalization is often described in terms of increased 'flows' or 'movements' of money, ideas, or goods. But the movement of people across national borders remains highly regulated and a point of major contention between many countries. Governments of rich industrialized nations spend billions of dollars each year to control inflows of poorer people seeking greater economic...
Haig Simonian December 18, 2002
Labor migration is a sensitive political issue in many nations. In Germany, businesses facing immediate labor shortages and an aging workforce have lobbied the government to open immigration to non-European Union talent. But now a law liberalizing immigration, put in place by Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, has met with opposition from several local states, demonstrating that local interests,...
Nirmal Ghosh December 9, 2002
Porous borders allow useful goods and new ideas to travel the world, but when they're carried by migrants with destructive intent, locals become worried. According to this article in Singapore's Straits Times, Maoist rebels from Nepal are crossing the border into India and causing great concern for Indian authorities. "There is an imminent danger that the Maoist insurgency in...