In The News

Seema Sirohi October 19, 2004
As the US presidential campaigns come to a close, many Indian Americans support John Kerry because of his strong civil rights message, though those more financially successful favor Bush's tax policies. India itself, despite traditionally leaning toward Democrats, is split down the middle regarding this election. According to this Outlook India analysis, US election results will define...
Bob Drogin October 7, 2004
Based on in depth interrogations with a cooperative Saddam Hussein, a report by the CIA's Iraq Survey Group released Wednesday revealed that the former Iraqi leader’s purported stock of destructive arms was all smoke and mirrors. Apparently, Hussein kept a close watch on his weapons program, and knew that his regime had no capability to make so-called weapons of mass destruction. He kept up...
Henry Sokolski September 22, 2004
World leaders continue to debate the most effective way to prevent development of Iran's nuclear arsenal. Henry Sokolski, executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, argues that the international community must now also address an even more ominous threat of nuclear proliferation throughout the Middle East. This will require instituting - and enforcing - strict rules...
George Monbiot September 21, 2004
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was founded with noble intentions, but today this same agency is badly misguided, says author George Monbiot. The initial hope was that nuclear fission would solve the world's problems by creating alternative energy sources. According to IAEA statutes, non-nuclear countries were supplied the essentials for creating nuclear power, to be used...
Strobe Talbott September 13, 2004
In a book to be published this week, former US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott tells the story of President Bill Clinton’s personal diplomacy in averting a possible nuclear war in South Asia. The conflict began in May 1999, when Pakistani commandos infiltrated the Indian part of Kashmir in the Kargil region. By the end of June, a furious Indian response with air and artillery assaults...
Ramesh Thakur September 10, 2004
As a growing number of countries flirt with nuclear capabilities, it may be time to reconsider the effectiveness of the current arms-control doctrine. Political scientist Ramesh Thakur asserts that the inconsistencies in the application of non-proliferation policy, as developed by the US and the other four Security Council members, may bring about its collapse. The five nuclear powers, argues...
Tom Plate September 9, 2004
This Khaleej Times opinion piece examines the significance of the recent revelation that a group of South Korean scientists experimented with nuclear materials. Despite North Korean claims to the contrary, the experiment – amounting essentially to a few researchers tinkering in a lab – was not indicative broader South Korean weapons capabilities. The true danger, according to the author, is that...