In The News

June 15, 2004
An American congressional commission responsible for investigating security and economic issues in the US-China relationship is giving Bejing poor marks on cooperation and honesty. The commission charged yesterday that China is transferring nuclear technology to Iran in exchange for much-needed oil. It also said China continues to allow North Korean missiles and nuclear technology to traverse...
Dilip Hiro June 3, 2004
Willliam J. Broad June 2, 2004
Iranian claims to have discontinued research and development related to its nuclear program has been called into question by the International Atomic Energy Agency, an affiliate of the United Nations. The agency’s latest report suggests that Iran persists in making parts and materials that could eventually be used in the creation of nuclear weapons. Iran insists that the evidence found is related...
Jim VandeHei May 28, 2004
The United States political climate is heating up as the November presidential election nears. Presumptive democratic candidate for president John F. Kerry viscerally attacked current president George W. Bush about matters of foreign policy yesterday, saying actions taken over the course of Bush's term had undermined a legacy of cooperative US leadership that had stood for decades. Kerry’s...
May 26, 2004
As America and the world enters the “danger season” for terrorist attack, the British International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) think tank asserts that the American pursuit of regime change in Iraq has strengthened the terrorist network Al-Qaeda, now even more resolute on the destruction of the United States and other western powers. Fury directed at the American-led occupation has...
Richard Halloran May 20, 2004
After decades of quiet growth and official pacifism, Japan is seeking an increased role in diplomatic and military actions globally. The country is now debating redrafting its constitution to amend an article that forbids the use of military force in international disputes. This attempt at reversal or modification of Japan's official pacifism is largely in reaction to the menace presented by...
Michael Richardson May 10, 2004
Current arms control treaties make it easy for countries like North Korea and Iran to import the materials needed to make WMD. Yet despite widespread fear about terrorism, observes correspondent Michael Richardson, no effective international laws exist to prevent the sale or transfer of weapons or related technology to state or non-state actors. To remedy this worrisome loophole, Richardson,...