In The News

Kim Rahn December 15, 2017
North Korea’s government continues to develop and test ballistic missiles – 15 this year alone – along with nuclear tests despite a flailing economy. The international community recognizes that the rogue regime is not above extortion and could nuclear weapons to coerce any country. “North Korea's nuclear and missile provocations are threats to the peace of not only South Korea but also China...
David M. Lampton December 14, 2017
Global institutions and alliances supported by the United States since 1945 have added to economic growth, lifting emerging economies and deterring conflicts, explains David M. Lampton for Caixin of Johns Hopkins University. He urges three priorities: addressing the North Korea nuclear program, trade reciprocity and economic balance of power in Asia. The United States should not ignore the One...
Mark Landler, Choe Sang-Hun and Helene Cooper November 29, 2017
North Korea launched another intercontinental ballistic missile on November 28. Launched at a high trajectory, the missile landed near Japan. At a lower trajectory, the missile could have traveled more than 12,000 kilometers, capable of reaching any city in the world. The United States recently returned the country to a list of state sponsors of terrorism. The missile included advances in height...
Anna Fifield November 22, 2017
Anyone with satellite imagery tools and persistence can monitor activities on the ground in North Korea or, for that matter, China or the United States. Reports emerged that North Korea had tested a solid-fuel missile engine in October, unconfirmed by the government. The East Asia Program of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies’ nonproliferation center in Monterey, California, went...
Zoe Thomas October 31, 2017
Tensions run high between Iran and the United States. The Trump administration, criticizing the terms, claims that Iran is not in compliance over the nuclear deal and decertified what is known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Other signatories – China, Russia, France, Germany and the United Kingdom – do not agree and remain in the agreement with Iran. The tensions affect trade, and Iran...
Rick Noack and Erin Cunningham October 13, 2017
The United States is not recertifying the Iran nuclear deal, a task that must be completed every three months. UN inspectors report that Iran is in compliance. Other countries are party to the deal: Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia and Iran. Europe contends the deal, by preventing proliferation, is better than no deal. Other countries can stick with the deal without US support and expect...
Hiroyuki Akita and Tetsushi Takahashi September 15, 2017
North Korea, by threatening to “sink Japan” and firing a seventh ballistic missile over Japanese air space, is challenges the entire world community. The Chinese public grumbles after a hydrogen bomb test caused an earthquake and leaders responded with internet censorship. As North Korea’s lead benefactor, China wants to avoid a missile launched its way. The region, now realizing that China has...